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Letters From Viet Nam

These first person letters, sent home more than 30 years ago, chronicle, in words, drawings and photos, 22 months in my life as a conciencious objector in the US Army; Training in Fort Sam Houston TX, service in Fort Lewis WA, and the Viet Nam months.

I wish to share here a narrative of the mundane, the humorous, the beautiful, the heartbreak of God's creation caught in the crossfire of armed conflict, and the warmth and love of the Viet Namese people. I want for you to see a country full of pain, promise, beauty, and the hope of peace to come, enduring the temporary plague of war.

But more deeply, I want to share the thoughts, feelings and observations of one whose allegiance is to Jesus's government, and all the love and peace it represents, while walking in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and fearing not for God led me, protected me, and brought me home.

Peace to you, my friend, in all its finest meanings.

May God be with you.

The US Months, 1968 and 1969 

Viet Nam Begins, 1969

Liberation, and Yet...